Chris Murray
Portfolio Review & Instruction
It can be very difficult to objectively critique our own photography. Regardless of where you are on your photographic journey, having your work reviewed by a seasoned professional is an effective way to improve your photography through constructive and honest feedback. The service entails me reviewing 20-30 images in a live one-hour image critique session online via Zoom video conferencing. You can send me the images beforehand or provide a link to a web gallery. I have had my own work reviewed before and found it to be very illuminating and helpful. Alternatively, the one hour online session can be used as instruction on a specific aspect of photography, be it field techniques, lighting, composition, post-processing in Lightroom or Photoshop, or any topic your heart desires.
The cost for a one-hour live review or instruction session is $100. If you have questions about or are interested in setting up an online session please email me at